Check back regularly for the latest on following a plant based diet, staying fit, personal spirituality and living a balanced life. I will be sharing my experiences as well as providing answers to some of the questions sent to me.

I will be posting some of my favorite recipes and hope to somehow find the time to setup some cooking demonstrations. I also will be posting some great resources for those who want to learn more about plant based diets.

I believe that today is an awesome day,

but tomorrow is going to be even better!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Thanks, Phyllis!

Oh, Phyllis, what have you done?

Phyllis Molnar is a registered dietician from the Elyria Health District who graciously agreed to come and speak as part of SWIMBAS (Seeking Wellness in Mind, Body and Spirit) at St. Judes in January.  She gave two great presentations and passed out a lot of great information to all of those who wanted to lose weight and eat healthier.

As part of the presentation, I also told my story.  I told about my heart surgery and the struggles I had when I found out that medicine and surgery weren't going to cure my condition.  I told about the doctor who told me about another doctor at the Cleveland Clinic who was well known for his research about how following a strict plant based diet can actually reverse heart disease.  And I told how I changed my life by deciding to follow this doctor's recommendations.

Phyllis thought my story needed to be told and asked if I would agree to allow her to do a column on me for The Chronicle Telegram.  My dear wife suggested that maybe God was calling me to a new ministry and that maybe my story could help others.  How do you say "no" to that?

So Phyllis wrote this great column that appeared in yesterday's Chronicle complete with a picture of me spinning at EMH Fitness Center where I work out.  She included my email address for those who might like more information.

Well, that did it.  In just 2 days, I have received over 30 emails from people wanting to know more.  I have had requests for more information and for some of the recipes I use. 

I have read dozens of books, watched movies and scoured the internet for information about following a plant based diet.  Since I have made the decision to follow a strict plant based diet, I have lost 50 pounds and have more energy than ever before.

I will be sharing some of this information in future posts.  I will also be posting some of my favorite recipes and cooking tips.

If you have any questions you would like answered, just send me a message or email.

I look forward to spending time with you!

Oh, Phyllis, what have you done?

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