Check back regularly for the latest on following a plant based diet, staying fit, personal spirituality and living a balanced life. I will be sharing my experiences as well as providing answers to some of the questions sent to me.

I will be posting some of my favorite recipes and hope to somehow find the time to setup some cooking demonstrations. I also will be posting some great resources for those who want to learn more about plant based diets.

I believe that today is an awesome day,

but tomorrow is going to be even better!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Catching up

Yes, it has been a long time since I have posted anything.  But it's not because there is nothing new.  I have been very busy with school, reading, trying new recipes and most importantly, playing with my grandchildren these last few months.  But there are more new developments coming out that I really need to share.

In the last couple of months I joined with Dr. Polly Dengel to give a couple of presentations to people who were interested in learning about plant based diets and how going on one affected me.  I told them my story and shared information about cooking.  So many people think that eating a plant based diet is boring and tasteless.  When I give them samples of some of my cooking, they are pretty amazed.  I have received quite a few emails from people who want more information and I keep referring them to my blog, so it's time to get more recipes and information up here.

I get quite a few emails also from people who are concerned about loved ones who have serious heart issues.  They tell me that they suggest to their loved one the possibility of changing his or her eating habits to help get rid of the heart problem.  But to no avail.  I have heard one too many times, "They would rather die than give up all of the things they like to eat."  It is so sad for those who want to help and don't want to lose someone to heart disease, but unfortunately, it is each person's choice as to what they eat and how they live their lives.  I hope to do another post soon on this problem.

These last few months there have also been a couple of especially joyful moments for me personally.  First, my brother Rich suffered a heart attack and survived.  Rich happened to be in the hospital undergoing some tests on his heart when he had an attack.  They were able to do emergency bypass and was told if he had not been in the hospital, he would probably not have made it.  Rich is making modifications to his diet as he rehabs and it is great to see the progress he is making.

My brother, Frank, has also committed to going plant based.  Now, you have to know how my brother really enjoys food to understand what a huge commitment this was for him!  But he has stuck with it and has lost over 30 pounds and is feeling great.  I am so proud of him!  He, too, had bypass surgery, so in our family, out of 4 brothers, all of us had bypass surgery.  We are changing not only for ourselves, but for our dear brother Dan, who suffered for years from heart disease, finally succumbing to it a few years ago.

So I promise I will be putting more up here for the growing legions who are beginning to understand that the only way we can fix ourselves and our national healthcare problem is to take charge of what we eat.  Yes, it may take a little time and a little effort, but eating healthy can also be enjoyable.

Check back soon for more!

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