Check back regularly for the latest on following a plant based diet, staying fit, personal spirituality and living a balanced life. I will be sharing my experiences as well as providing answers to some of the questions sent to me.

I will be posting some of my favorite recipes and hope to somehow find the time to setup some cooking demonstrations. I also will be posting some great resources for those who want to learn more about plant based diets.

I believe that today is an awesome day,

but tomorrow is going to be even better!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Motivation to Change

It was almost 3 years ago that this picture was taken.  I was going to take my newborn granddaughter for a walk and I was so excited.  Someone snapped my picture and when I saw it, I remember thinking, "Ooooh.  I'm keeping that one under wraps."  I really looked bad.

It was a couple of months later that things began to change.  I began to work out at EMH fitness center and began to follow a plant based diet.  I had over the course of my lifetime, probably lost about 500 pounds, but always managed to put it back on again. All of the yo-yoing was really bad for me and surely didn't help my heart.

I remember taking this picture and I remember taking my granddaughter for a walk.  I remember thinking how I wanted to be around for many walks, for her first Communion, graduation, and to maybe someday be the one to officiate at her wedding.  My prognosis wasn't good.  My history was even worse.

When I made the commitment to get healthy and lose weight,  I knew I was running out of chances.

I look at this picture once in a while and I realize how blessed I was to be given a second chance.  And now my daughter, son - in - law and two grandchildren are coming home in a few days.

I can't wait to go for walks and to take them to the park.

Hope they can keep up with their Papa!

1 comment:

  1. Way to GO! Deacon Pat... You are an inspiration to many. May the Lor bless you with many more years.
