Check back regularly for the latest on following a plant based diet, staying fit, personal spirituality and living a balanced life. I will be sharing my experiences as well as providing answers to some of the questions sent to me.

I will be posting some of my favorite recipes and hope to somehow find the time to setup some cooking demonstrations. I also will be posting some great resources for those who want to learn more about plant based diets.

I believe that today is an awesome day,

but tomorrow is going to be even better!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Veggie Wraps

With all of the activity going on this summer, one of the staples in our meals was the veggie wrap.  We kept a supply of greens on hand, and when we needed something quick, we would have one of our wraps.

Swiss chard was the best for the wrap.  Swiss chard is loaded with nutrients.  From WebMD:

Health benefits of Swiss chard:
Swiss chard is a nutritional powerhouse -- an excellent source of vitamins K, A, and C, as well as a good source of magnesium, potassium, iron, and dietary fiber.

Swiss chard rainbow:
The thick stalks are red, white, yellow, or green. All have a mildly bitter taste.
Cooking Swiss chard:
Prepare Swiss chard by rinsing the crisp leaves several times in warm water. Leaves and stalks can be boiled, steamed, or roasted.

Still more health benefits of Swiss chard:
One cup of chopped Swiss chard has just 35 calories and provides more than 300% of the daily value for vitamin K. But skip this veggie if you’re prone to kidney stones; it contains oxalates, which decrease the body’s absorption of calcium and can lead to kidney stones.

I would fill the leafy wrap with whatever vegetables I had on hand.  I used shredded carrots, various sprouts, cabbage, peppers, corn, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms and zucchini. 

I also liked to add tofu.  For quick preparation, buy smoked, pressed tofu.  Then you marinate the tofu in teriyaki or barbecue sauce if you can for at least an hour (if you have thought ahead).  Then you brown the tofu in a non stick frying pan using no coating.  This gives the tofu some texture and brings out the flavor.

For a sauce in the wrap, I usually use hummus, which I have in my refrigerator at all times.  This also adds flavor and serves as the “glue” to hold things together.

Here is one of my creations from the summer. 

Use your imagination!  Fun to make, fun to eat and they taste good, too!

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